Our collaborative is designed to support open collaboration across the South. It facilitates communication and sharing amongst teams and ultimately improving our services.
Below are a selection of resources shared by the Collaborative prior to our focus on supporting delivery of the national Mental Health Safety Improvement Programme.
Learning from Excellence
Far more things go well in healthcare than go wrong. We are all constantly adapting care as we work from day to day.
Civility Saves Lives
How we behave at work has a dramatic impact on the safety of the services we provide.
Amy Edmondson and psychological safety
Understanding and knowing how to create psychological safety in healthcare is crucial to delivering safe services.
Patient Safety Climate Survey: Juniper Ward, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Juniper ward is an 18 bedded NHS make acute ward with a further 6 MOD speciality beds.
Afton Ward, Isle of Wight NHS Trust Case Study
Afton Ward is a 10 bedded acute admission unit for older people experiencing severe mental health problems, based at St Marys Hospital on the Isle of Wight.
Beechwood OP mental health ward poster
Beechwood ward is an 18 bedded OPMH ward that has low levels of restrictive practice.
Ted Talks on teamwork
These are two great TED Talks to help to understand why it’s important to hear diverse voices and listen to everyone in the team if we want to achieve the best outcomes in the work we do. Teamwork makes the dreamwork! Dare to disagree (Margaret…
Incident Response Framework
This is the new national incident response system and will replace the current serious incident reporting system.
Reducing restrictive practice – coffee mornings
An initiative from Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust
SPIRAL Somerset team LS18
Serious Incident Investigations into suicides.